Chiropractic care is a gentle method of hands on manipulation. By determining specific joint motion restriction, and manipulating the specific segments, there is a reduction of nerve irritation and pain and increased joint function. Other chiropractic services offered are Activator Technique, Flexion - Distraction / Mechanical Traction,
& Rehabilitative Exercise.
Our treatment plans include educating patients on how to achieve and maintain optimal health through chiropractic techniques, nutrition, and rehabilitative exercise.

Acupuncture is shown to be helpful managing juries and treating pain and has also been show to have further benefits for the whole body. Stimulating the energetic points of the body encourages and promotes a natural form of healing from within. This process improves the body’s functions to give you a better quality of life.
When the body functions better, so does everything else.
Acupuncture has proven to be helpful for the nervous, endocrine, immune and digestive systems.

For most patients, massage therapy is an important part of specific medical treatment plans to help them return to daily activities. Physical benefits of massage include:
Improved circulation, decreased muscle stiffness, decreased joint inflammation.​


Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility.
Slow movements and deep breathing increase blood flow and warms up muscles, while holding a pose can build strength.
Reiki is the connection of natural outer energy with the body's inner energy that assists in releasing emotions and physical stresses.